2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Part 4- Financial Aid Policy (language only)

Item 4-5.01 #1h

Item 4-5.01 #1h

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Transactions with Individuals


Page 603, after 45, insert:

"l). Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, private institutions participating in any state program of higher education financial assistance shall (i) be a nonprofit private institution of higher education whose primary purpose is to provide collegiate, graduate, or professional education and not to provide religious training or theological education; (ii) be formed, chartered, established, or incorporated within the Commonwealth; (iii) have their principal place of business within the Commonwealth; (iv) conduct their primary educational activity within the Commonwealth; and (v) be accredited by a nationally recognized regional institutional accrediting agency."

Page 604, after line 4, insert:

" d) Of the amount allocated for undergraduate need-based financial aid, up to one percent may be used for emergency assistance programs for students facing a financial emergency that puts them at risk of dropping out. The Council shall establish reporting guidelines and approve criteria for making student awards."

Page 604, after line 45, insert:

"7. Waiver Programs

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all financial aid waivers contained in § 23.1, Chapter 6 shall be calculated under the following conditions:

a) The student requesting the waiver shall establish domicile as provided in § 23.1-502 and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) domicile guidelines.

b) The student requesting the waiver shall complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or equivalent state financial aid application.

c) Eligibility for waivers under this section is limited undergraduate students and a total of four academic years.  The academic years for which waivers are awarded need not be in succession.

d) Waivers under this section shall not exceed in-state undergraduate tuition, mandatory Education & General Program (E & G) fees and mandatory non-E & G fees.  Mandatory non-E & G fees are charged to all students regardless of degree program or as defined by SCHEV.  Mandatory non-E & G fees do not include room and board.

e) 1) Waivers under this section shall be discounted by the ratio (Ratio) of the sum of in-state undergraduate tuition, mandatory Education & General Program (E & G) fees and mandatory non-E & G fees (as defined in d) over the sum of in-state undergraduate tuition, mandatory Education & General Program (E & G) fees and mandatory non-E & G fees (as defined in d), room & board charges or allowances, and book allowance less any stipend received under § 23.1-608.1.

2) The Ratio shall be applied to (a) all gift aid except for state aid or federal aid under 38 USC Part III and (b) expected family contribution (EFC) or its equivalent under FAFSA Simplification as determined by SCHEV.

3) The waiver amount shall be reduced by the amount derived under e) 2).

f) Any state gift aid received under § 23.1, Chapter 6, federal financial assistance received under 38 USC Part III or any other financial aid that is restricted to tuition and fees shall reduce the required waiver amount dollar-for-dollar.

g) All current and future waiver awards are subject to the provisions of this section."


(This amendment clarifies state financial aid policy with regard to institutional eligibility for programs, use of state aid and setting the conditions for calculating waivers under § 23.1, Chapter 6, Code of Virginia.)