2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Digital Mapping Program for Virginia Public Universities and Community Colleges (language only)

Item 394 #12s

Item 394 #12s

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services


Page 449, after line 40, insert:

"c. The Director, Department of Criminal Justice Services, is authorized to establish a digital mapping program for Virginia public universities and community colleges, in addition to the existing digital mapping program for local school divisions, which may provide grants to public universities, two year colleges, and community colleges to support technology that provides visual communication and collaboration tools to coordinate emergency response, such as floor plans that are available on cell phones and enhanced communication during an emergency."


(This amendment clarifies that the Department of Criminal Justice Services is authorized to establish a digital mapping program for Virginia public universities and community colleges, in addition to the existing digital mapping program for local school divisions, which may provide grants to public universities, two year colleges, and community colleges to support technology that provides visual communication and collaboration tools to coordinate emergency response, such as floor plans that are available on cell phones and enhanced communication during an emergency.)