2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Remove New Position and Outdated Language

Item 267 #1s

Item 267 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Secretary of Health and Human Resources FY2025 ($130,000) FY2026 ($130,000) GF
FY2025 -1.00 FY2026 -1.00 FTE

Page 293, line 3, strike "$1,094,759" and insert "$964,759".
Page 293, line 3, strike "$1,094,759" and insert "$964,759".

Page 294, strike lines 2 through 18.


(This amendment eliminates funding and one position included in the introduced budget for the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. In addition, outdated language related to development of a state reinsurance program and language directing the Secretary to continue support for the Virginia Task Force on Primary Care is removed.)