2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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SCHEV - Innovative Internship Fund

Item 132 #1s

Item 132 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia FY2025 ($9,000,000) FY2026 $9,000,000 GF
FY2025 0.00 FY2026 5.00 FTE

Page 191, line 6, strike "$46,104,707" and insert "$37,104,707".
Page 191, line 6, strike "$28,382,518" and insert "$37,382,518".

Page 192, line 27, strike "$21,000,000" and insert "$12,000,000".

Page 192, line 27, strike "$3,000,000" and insert "$12,000,000".
Page 192, line 33, delete sentence after "opportunities."

Page 192, delete lines 35-52, and insert:

"2. Institutional grants shall be awarded to support initiatives that are expected to produce a demonstrated increase in student participation in paid internship programs and work-based learning opportunities, including students that traditionally do not participate in these programs. Institutions shall be eligible for grants upon demonstrating that it is a key priority of the institution and its senior academic and administrative leadership have a coordinated plan to remove administrative and financial barriers to internship and work-based learning opportunities. The plan shall include: (i) an implementation timeline, (ii) the allocation of resources and funding strategies to support internships and work-based learning opportunities, (iii) the assignment of dedicated personnel to facilitate placement of students in internships and work-based learning opportunities and engage with employers, (iv) the identification of how the institution will support students that are less likely to participate in internships and work-based learning opportunities, be employed in an occupation related to their major upon completion of their certificate or degree, or earn below the average earnings of graduates in their program major; (v) opportunities to align existing student employment opportunities on campus to include best practices of an internship program; and (vi) metrics for measuring, reporting, and regularly reviewing progress on the plan. Institutions that have not developed a plan may be eligible for planning grants, as long as the planning grants are led by senior academic and administrative leadership.

3. Matching grants may be provided to small and midsize Virginia-base employers that agree to provide paid internships according to criteria established by the Council in consultation with the Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement and the Virginia Talent and Opportunity Partnership. Such criteria shall include: (i) a limitation of eligibility to for-profit business and nonprofit organizations, excluding institutions of higher education, with physical operations and facilities in Virginia and 50 or fewer Virginia-based employees; (ii) certification of employer eligibility by the Council following a training program and agreement by the employer to provide mentoring to interns and reporting obligations; (iii) a limitation of grant awards to reimbursement, not to exceed $7,500 per internship, for a maximum of one-half wages, (iv) the minimum and maximum number of hours required to ensure the student gains valuable work experience, (v) a limitation of the qualifying number of internships per employer; and (v) the maximum timeframe for employers to be eligible to receive the grants.

4. The Council, through the Virginia Talent and Opportunity Partnership, and in consultation with the Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement and other stakeholders, shall develop and execute a promotional plan to raise awareness and foster expanded internship programs and participation by business and nonprofit organizations."


(This amendment level funds the program at $12.0 million GF per year, eliminates language related to $1.0 million being one-time, and makes other technical clarifying changes.)