2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Soil and Water Conservation District Legal Representation (language only)

Item 49 #5s

Item 49 #5s

Executive Offices
Attorney General and Department of Law


Page 44, after line 38, insert:

"J.1. Pursuant to Chapter 577 of the Acts of Assembly of 2008, the Office of the Attorney General shall provide legal service in civil matters and consultation and legal advice in suits and other legal actions to soil and water conservation district directors and districts upon the request of those district directors or districts at no charge, inclusive of all fees, expenses, or other costs associated with litigation, excluding the payment of damages.

2. If the Office of the Attorney General is unable to provide legal services to the soil and water conservation districts, and as a result the districts incur costs from retaining other counsel, then the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall transfer general fund appropriations from the Office of the Attorney General to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in an amount equal to the cost incurred by the soil and water conservation districts to be used to reimburse the districts for costs incurred."


(This amendment restores language that was removed in the introduced budget that provides the authority for the Office of the Attorney General to provide legal service in civil matters and consultation and legal advice in suits and other legal actions to soil and water conservation district directors and districts upon the request of those district directors or districts at no charge, inclusive of all fees, expenses, or other costs associated with litigation, excluding the payment of damages.)