2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Sentencing Commission Access to Court Data (language only)

Item 41 #1s

Item 41 #1s

Judicial Department
Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission


Page 39, after line 27, insert:

"C. The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall provide for the transfer of juvenile case information maintained in electronic format in a case management system to the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission. Such information shall include: (i) case identifying information, including names, complete dates of birth and social security numbers, and case or docket numbers; (ii) charges, including statutes, descriptions, and Virginia Crime Codes established by § 19.2-390.01; (iii) offenses for which the juvenile was found delinquent, including statutes, descriptions, and Virginia Crime Codes; (iv) dispositions in delinquency cases, and; (v) information to identify cases in which a preliminary hearing was held pursuant to § 16.1-269.1 and cases transferred for trial in circuit court. The Commission may use the data only for research, evaluation, or statistical purposes, for the preparation or assistance with the preparation of sentencing guidelines required by § 19.2-298.01, or for aggregate analysis necessary for the development or revision of sentencing guidelines as provided in § 17.1-806. The data may also be used in the preparation of aggregate reports required by law or requested by a member or office of the General Assembly, the Office of the Attorney General, the Office of the Governor, or a member of the Governor's Cabinet. The Commission shall ensure the confidentiality and security of the data. The Commission shall not publish personal or case identifying information, including names, social security numbers, and dates of birth, included in the data. Upon transfer, such data shall not be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act."


(This amendment provides language authorizing the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court to transfer electronic juvenile case information to the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission. The Sentencing Commission intends to use the data for research, evaluation, and other limited purposes.)