2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Grants to Combat Hate Crimes (language only)

Item 394 #7s

Item 394 #7s

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services


Page 452, line 57, after "O." insert "1.".

Page 453, line 6, strike "The funds appropriated in this item shall be distributed to" and insert "Eligibile grant applicants include".

Page 453, line 8, after "crimes" insert ", as well as localities engaged in partnership programs with such institutions or nonprofit organizations."

Page 453, line 12, after "organizations" insert "to combat hate crimes".

Page 453, line 12, after "shall" insert "be awarded to the applicable locality to distribute to the grant recipient and shall".

Page 453, line 12, strike "the" and insert "any other".

Page 453, after line 13, insert:

"2. The Department shall disseminate information about the opportunity to stakeholders in order to ensure awareness of the grant process and timeline for application among interested institutions and nonprofit organizations. The Department may use up to $50,000 out of the appropriation in this item for the dissemination of such information."


(This amendment make changes to the eligibility and award process for grants to combat hate crimes. The amendment authorizes localities partnering with institutions and non-profits to be eligible for grants, in addition to non-profits and institutions themselves. The amendment also directs the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to award grants to the applicable locality for distribution to the grant recipient and to disseminate information about the grant opportunity to stakeholders. Currently, only localities partnering with non-profits and institutions are eligible for these grants.)