2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Expand Safer Communities Program

Item 394 #4s

Item 394 #4s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services FY2025 $3,500,000 FY2026 $3,500,000 GF

Page 447, line 6, strike "$223,993,666" and insert "$227,493,666".
Page 447, line 6, strike "$227,893,666" and insert "$231,393,666".

Page 452, line 20, strike each instance of "$10,000,000" and insert "$14,000,000".

Page 452, line 27, strike "9,500,000" and insert:

"at least $13,000,000 the first year and at least $13,000,000 the second year".

Page 452, line 28, strike "and".

Page 452, line 28, after "City of Richmond," insert "and the City of Roanoke,".

Page 452, line 29, strike "three" and insert "four".

Page 452, line 52, strike "$500,000" and insert "$925,000 the first year and $900,000 the second year".

Page 452, line 56, after "the Office." insert:

"Of these amounts designated to support the Office, at least $425,000 the first year and at least $400,000 the second year shall be used for a contract with the Virginia Commonwealth University L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs (the School) for the School to collaborate with the four recipient localities and the localities' law enforcement agencies to provide strategic planning, program evaluation, and data-driven innovations to improve the public sector's response to community violence. The School may collaborate with faculty and students from Virginia State University and Norfolk State Univesity as needed."


(This amendment increases by $3.5 million GF each year the Safer Communities Program adminsitered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services, which provides targeted grants and technical assistance to localities with disproportionately high violent crime rates. Language expands grant eligibility to the City of Roanoke, in addition to continuing grant funding for the Cities of Norfolk, Richmond, and Portsmouth. The amount includes $425,000 GF the first year and $400,000 GF the second year for the Office of Safer Communities to contract with the VCU Wilder School of Public Affairs, who may collaborate Virginia State University and Norfolk State University, to work with the City of Portsmouth and provide strategic planning, program evaluation, and data-driven innovations to improve the public sector's response to community violence.)