2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Adjust Earned Sentence Credit Positions

Item 390 #6s

Item 390 #6s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Corrections FY2025 ($1,990,563) FY2026 ($1,990,563) GF
FY2025 -25.00 FY2026 -25.00 FTE

Page 442, line 11, strike "$208,269,421" and insert "$206,278,858".
Page 442, line 11, strike "$207,829,237" and insert "$205,838,674".


(This amendment reduces, by nearly $2.0 million GF each year, funding for positions previously provided to support earned sentence credit implementation. The enhanced earned sentence credits established by Chapter 50, 2020 Special Session I, became effective on July 1, 2022 and were applied retroactively, resulting in a temporary increase in the number of inmates released from adult correctional facilities. As of fall 2023, average monthly inmate releases have declined to their lowest level throughout the past five fiscal years. The reduction includes: (i) 21 currently vacant positions of the 74 provided for earned sentence credit reentry efforts; and (ii) four IT-related positions, of the 12 provided for earned sentence credit implementation, which may be directed to other roles.)