2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Adjust Kinship Care Funding (language only)

Item 329 #2s

Item 329 #2s

Health and Human Resources
Department of Social Services


Page 393, line 48, after "payments", insert "for the Parental Child Safety Placement Program".

Page 394, after line 2, insert:

"V. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget is authorized to transfer $895,842 the first year and $715,679 the second year from the general fund from other Items within the Department of Social Services to this Item to be used to support the Parental Child Safety Placement Program."  


(This amendment provides for a transfer of $895,842 the first year and $715,679 the second year from the general fund from other Items within the Department of Social Services to this Item to be used to support the Parental Child Safety Placement Program. These amounts are for items included in the introduced budget related to kinship care initiatives for which changes in the legislation no longer require funding. The amendment allows those funds to be transferred to the Parental Child Safety Placement Program to make maintenance payments for participating parents.)