2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Modify External Financial Review Committee Requirements (language only)

Item 292 #6s

Item 292 #6s

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 351, line 1, strike "each quarter" and insert "three times each fiscal year".

Page 351, line 8, after "status.", insert:

"At each meeting, the department shall report on enrollment trends by eligibility category and indicate differences in actual enrollment as compared to the most recent forecast of enrollment."

Page 351, line 15 after "meetings", strike "for each".

Page 351, strike lines 16 through 17 and insert:

"shall be held in April, July, and October of each year to review the time period since the last meeting."


(This amendment modifies the External Financial Review Committee to reduce the number of meetings from four to three each year and adds reporting on enrollment at each meeting to better monitor enrollment trends and potential impacts on program costs.)