2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Fiscal Impact Statement Transparency (language only)

Item 256 #2h

Item 256 #2h

Department of Planning and Budget


Page 278, after line 25, insert:

"E. The Department of Planning and Budget shall provide a time and date stamp on all fiscal impact statements on bills to be considered by the General Assembly and posted on the Legislative Information System.  Each fiscal impact statement shall include a descriptive total of the general fund and nongeneral fund amounts of all paragraphs contained in the fiscal impact statement which describe how the costs were calculated.  This descriptive total may be included in a final paragraph or table labeled with the discrete cost items by fund source and totaled."


(This amendment adds language requiring the Department of Planning and Budget to make modifications to fiscal impact statements to improve transparency in the process for reviewing bills considered by the General Assembly during legislative sessions.)