2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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SCHEV - TAG Various Adjustments (language only)

Item 130 #3s

Item 130 #3s

Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Page 187, line 33, after last sentence, insert:

"Upon consultation with and approval from SCHEV, private institutions which participate in this program may develop and distribute the Tuition Assistance Grant application form for electronic administration."

Page 188, strike lines 5-14.

Page 188, line 16, strike first instance of "$3,750" and insert "2,500".

Page 188, line 16, strike second instance of "$3,750" and insert "2,500".

Page 187, strike lines 36-43 and insert:

"4. To be eligible for a fall or full-year award out of this appropriation, a student's application must have been received by a participating independent college or by SCHEV by September 15. Returning students who received the award in the previous year will be prioritized. Applications for a fall or full-year award received after September 15, but no later than October 1, will be held for consideration if funds are available and returning student awards have been made. Applications for spring semester only awards must be received by December 1 and will be considered only if funds remain."


(This amendment permits private institutions authorized to receive the tuition assistance grant to develop and distribute an online application and removes language included in the introduced budget that authorized the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to develop an online application using up to $2.0 million in appropriated balances. It also restores the amount of the online education award to 50% of the campus-based award as authorized in Chapter 1, 2023 Special Session I and extends the application deadline from July 31 to September 15.)