2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

Item 124 #14s

Item 124 #14s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2025 $3,000,000 FY2026 $2,000,000 GF

Page 131, line 44, strike "$89,063,467" and insert "$92,063,467".
Page 131, line 44, strike "$88,308,467" and insert "$90,308,467".

Page 185, line 14, strike the first instance of "$19,328,073" and insert "$22,328,073".

Page 185, line 14, strike the second instance of "$19,328,073" and insert "$21,328,073".

Page 184, after line 38, insert:

"d. Out of this appropriation, $3,000,000 the first year and $2,000,000 the second year from general fund is provided to supplement the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program in Item 126. These funds shall be awarded to community-based organizations partnering with school divisions for afterschool, before-school, and summer learning programs to provide additional instructional opportunities to combat learning loss for school-age children attending high-poverty, low performing schools. The Department may contract with the Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School Time to assist applicants with obtaining the required licensure and to provide best practices and support to grantees.


(This amendment provides $3.0 million GF the first year and $2.0 million GF the second year to supplement the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program.)