2023 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Marsden
DMV Customer Service Technology Enhancements (language only)

Item 440 #1s

Item 440 #1s

Department of Motor Vehicles


Page 533, strike line 21 through line 29 and insert:

"O.1. The Commissioner, in consultation with the Secretary of Administration, the Secretary of Transportation, the Governor's Chief Transformation Officer, and staff of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee and the House Appropriations Committee shall issue a Request for Information for (i) continually updating customer-facing web applications; (ii) pursuing the use of artificial intelligence in day-to-day activities; (iii) the issuance of digital passports and mobile driver's licenses; (iv) improving customer service, specifically through smart phone technologies and the use of self-service kiosks (v) examining the ability for an umbrella of state agencies and local governments to benefit in tandem with DMV, and (vi) other innovative technologies to improve the overall customer experience. The Commissioner is further authorized to enter into agreements with surrounding states for the purpose of building a multi-state consortium to improve the overall customer experience across state lines.

2.In conjunction with the Request for Information, the Commissioner shall establish a workgroup to study how other states have improved the accessibility and online transaction rates of their digital DMV portals, and more efficiently invested or saved costs associated with in-house IT overhead. The workgroup shall determine several methods for moving more citizens to online transactions rather than in-person DMV visits, to include utilizing multi-source technology currently available from industry experts in use in other states, and to examine the ability for an umbrella of state agencies and local governments to benefit in tandem with DMV. The workgroup shall consist of 7 members appointed by the Secretary of the Administration, the Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner, the Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, the Chair of the House Transportation Committee, the Chairs of Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee and the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. The workgroup shall complete its work by August 30, 2023, and submit its findings and recommendations to the Chairs of the House and Senate Transportation Committees no later than November 1, 2023."


(This amendment expands the scope of language currently included in Chapter 2 of the 2022 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a Request for Information related to online customer experience technologies to include the ability for other state agencies and localities to benefit from enhanced service. In addition, the modified language requires the Commissioner to establish a seven member work group to study related technologies in other states.)