Item C-79.50 | First Year - FY2023 | Second Year - FY2024 |
2022 Capital Supplement Pool (18646) | $100,000,000 | $300,000,000 |
Fund Sources: | ||
General | FY2023 $100,000,000 | FY2024 $300,000,000 |
A. Included in this Item is $100,000,000 the first year and $300,000,000 the second year from the general fund that is designated for project supplements to address shortfalls for projects and central capital construction pools.
1. In fulfillment of the requirement in paragraph L, Item 485 of this act, there is included $100,000,000 from the general fund in the first year.
2.a. Contingent upon actual general fund revenue collections for fiscal year 2023 being equal to or in excess of the official fiscal year 2023 revenue estimate included in this act, there is included $300,000,000 from the general fund in the second year.
b. In the event that actual general fund revenue collections for fiscal year 2023 are less than the official fiscal year 2023 revenue estimate included in this act, $300,000,000 shall be unallotted and made unavailable for spending pending a determination of available resources by the Governor pursuant to paragraph P, Item 485 of this act.
3. Funding provided in this Item and remaining from Item C-69.60 of Chapter 1, 2022 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, may be transferred and used for the purposes described in paragraph B. of this Item, pursuant to the approval process and requirements in paragraph C. of this Item.
B.1. Notwithstanding § 2.2-1519 E.1., Code of Virginia., funding may be used to address shortfalls for capital projects that (i) were previously authorized for construction in a central construction pool subject to the process delineated in § 2.2-1515 et. seq., Code of Virginia; (ii) have satisfied the requirements of § 2.2-1519 C. and E.2., Code of Virginia; and (iii) have received a funding report from the Department of General Services prior to April 1, 2022.
2. Funding may be used for projects, within the limits of the 105 percent cost threshold set forth in § 2.2-1519 E.1., Code of Virginia, that (i) were authorized for construction in a central construction pool subject to the process delineated in § 2.2-1515 et. seq., Code of Virginia; (ii) have satisfied the requirements of § 2.2-1519 C. and E.2., Code of Virginia; and (iii) had not received a funding report as of April 1, 2022.
3. Funding may be used to address shortfalls for projects that have been authorized in an Appropriation Act or other authorizing legislation for construction that were not budgeted in a central construction pool, provided that the agency is unable to use additional value engineering or reduce the size or scope of the project to remain within available appropriation while meeting the original programmatic intent of the appropriation.
4. Funding may be used to address shortfalls in central capital construction pools that have insufficient funding remaining to meet the outstanding needs of projects authorized within a given pool.
C.1. A transfer authorized by this Item may only be effectuated if (i) the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget provides notice of the amount and purpose of any such proposed transfer to the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee; and (ii) no member of the committee or their designee objects, in writing or via email, to the transfer within 14 days of receiving such notice. If an objection is received, the committee may discuss such proposed transfer at its next meeting and vote as to whether to recommend such transfer.
2. Specific project allocations for transfer from this Item shall be based upon recommendations from the Department of General Services.
3. Supplemental amounts determined in accordance with paragraph B.1., B.2., and B.3. of this Item shall be adjusted to match the proportion of a project's total cost supported by general fund as set forth in the funding report, Appropriation Act, or other authorizing legislation.
4. After receiving funds pursuant to paragraphs B.1. or B.3. of this Item, projects shall comply with the provisions of paragraph K. of § 2.0 of this act.