2023 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Floor Approved)

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Virginia Battlefield Preservation Fund - New Market Battlefield

Item 386 #3s

Item 386 #3s

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Historic Resources FY2023 $0 FY2024 $3,750,000 GF

Page 473, line 23, strike "$13,347,048" and insert "$17,097,048".

Page 474, line 17, strike "$5,250,000" and insert "$9,250,000".

Page 474, after line 39, insert:

"4. From the amounts in this item, $3,750,000 the second year from the general fund shall be granted to the battlefield organization that manages the Shenandoah Battlefields National Historic District in order that they may expeditiously acquire for permanent preservation and public enjoyment up to 75 additional acres of the New Market Battlefield; connect disadvantaged residents to the New Market Battlefield Park via the "History, Health, and Wellness" greenway; and begin the documentation, restoration, and interpretation of structures on the New Market Battlefield related to the Battlefield's African American history. Such grants shall be exempt from the matching fund and easement recordation requirements of § 10.1-2202.4 of the Code of Virginia."


(This amendment increases funding for the Virginia Battlefield Preservation Fund by $3.75 million GF the second year for the acquisition of an additional 75 acres of the New Market Battlefield.)