2023 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Floor Approved)

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Joint Subcommittee on Gaming (language only)

Item 1 #4s

Item 1 #4s

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 12, after line 34, insert:

"T. 1. The Chairs of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, Senate General Laws and Technology Committee, House Appropriations Committee and House General Laws shall appoint two members from their respective committees to a Joint Subcommittee on Gaming. The Joint Subcommittee shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among its membership.

2. The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee shall include (i) evaluating the consolidation of gaming regulation and oversight in the Commonwealth; (ii) ways to effectively prioritize problem gambling prevention and treatment efforts; and (iii) provide a detailed transition plan from affected agencies if the Joint Subcommittee recommends to consolidate regulations and oversight of gaming. The recommendations of the Joint Subcommittee shall be reported by the first day of the 2024 Session.

3. Legal, research, policy analysis, and other services as requested by the joint subcommittee shall be provided by the Division of Legislative Services. All agencies of the Commonwealth, including (i) the Virginia Lottery, (ii) the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and (iii) the Virginia Racing Commission, shall provide assistance to the joint subcommittee for this study, upon request."


(This amendment establishes a Joint Subcommittee on Gaming to evaluate the consolidation of gaming regulations and oversight in the Commonwealth and directs the Joint Subcommittee to develop a transition plan if such consolidation is to be recommended to the General Assembly.)