2023 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Reid
Rural EV-Tourism Network

Item 126 #1h

Item 126 #1h

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Commerce and Trade
Virginia Tourism Authority FY2023 $10,000,000 FY2024 $0 GF

Page 128, line 10, strike "$27,039,872" and insert "$37,039,872".

Page 130, after line 3, insert:

"Q. Out of this appropriation, $10,000,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for grants to electric cooperatives and others through and in coordination with the Virginia Tourism Authority. The authority shall conduct a grant program, called the Virginia Rural EV Charging Network Program (the "Program"), to provide funding for electric cooperatives, any contractor to an electric cooperative, or any business located in cooperative service territory (with the consent of the cooperative), to establish, maintain, operate, own, lease, contract for, or repair newly installed electric vehicle ("EV") charging infrastructure, including direct current (DC) fast chargers, lines, poles, transformers, and other infrastructure, located within the certificated service territory of an electric cooperative. Utility ownership and operation of EV charging infrastructure as part of the Program is hereby authorized, and need not be further permitted, approved, certificated, or licensed, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Title 56 of the Code of Virginia or in any electric cooperative's articles of incorporation. The Program shall establish a network of chargers throughout rural Virginia, with at least three chargers in each cooperative's service territory and shall also establish and implement a marketing and awareness campaign to promote the use of the chargers in conjunction with the use of State Scenic Highways and Virginia Byways, Skyline Drive, state and national parks, and on or along other routes suitable for tourism. The authority shall establish guidelines to govern these grants in consultation with the distribution electric cooperatives, as appropriate. Notwithstanding § 2.2-4002, Code of Virginia, the provisions contained in this paragraph Q.a. establishing the Program shall not be subject to the Administrative Process Act."


(This amendment provides $10.0 million in the first year from the general fund to develop a network of EV charging stations throughout rural Virginia.)