2023 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Floor Approved)

Catawba Hospital

Item C-2.60 #1h

Item C-2.60 #1h

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Department of General Services FY2023 $0 FY2024 $14,842,275 GF

Page 611, after line 4, insert:

"C-2.60 Improvements: Catawba Hospital$0$14,842,275
Fund Sources:  General $0 $14,842,275 "

Page 611, after line 4, insert:

"There is hereby authorized a capital project to transform Catawba Hospital into a state-of-the-art facility at which to receive a continuum of substance abuse treatment and recovery services, which are to be provided in addition to other behavioral health services currently provided at this facility to geriatric individuals in need of mental health care. Funding allocated by this item is intended for detailed planning for the renovation of the existing Buildings 15 and 17 on the existing facility campus. Any funding provided herein that is in excess of that which is needed for detailed planning costs, shall remain dedicated to this project and shall be utilized for future project costs."


(This amendment provides general fund in the second year for a project to transform Catawba Hospital into a state-of-the-art substance abuse treatment facility. Specifically, this amendment authorizes planning for the renovation of two existing buildings on the Catawba campus, with the dedication of any excess funding towards future project costs. This project is authorized in accordance with House Bill 2192 and the analysis conducted by the Secretary of Health and Human Resources in cooperation with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, related to the transformation of the Catawba Hospital campus into a state-of-the-art facility at which a continuum of substance abuse treatment and recovery services, including long-term, short-term, acute, and outpatient services, is provided in addition to the array of behavioral health and other services currently provided to geriatric individuals in need of mental health care. This transformation is to include facilities and programming fostering the growth and development of the Commonwealth's behavioral health workforce, as well as research on behavioral health and substance abuse.)