2022 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Data Sharing Between State Police and Department of Health (language only)

Item 429 #1c

Item 429 #1c

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of State Police


Page 455, after line 9, insert:

"3. The Department of State Police shall, upon request, provide to the Department of Health any information it possesses as a result of carrying out the provisions of §§ 16.1-337.1, 19.2-389, 19.2-389.1, 37.2-819, 19.2-182.2 and 64.2-2014, Code of Virginia, to enable the Department of Health to link the data held pursuant to those provisions with other relevant data held by the Commonwealth. Once received, the Department of Health will provide the linked data to the Department of Juvenile Justice for de-identification and for the purpose of evaluating the impact of carrying out these provisions on the public health and safety, pursuant to a research grant to Duke University and a subcontract with the University of Virginia."


(This amendment rectifies an omission in previously adopted language pertaining to sharing of de-identified data between State Police, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and the Department of Health for the purposes of a research study conducted by Duke University and the University of Virginia.)