2022 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Repurpose COVID Response Appropriations

Item 413 #2c

Item 413 #2c

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Emergency Management FY2023 ($13,000,000) FY2024 ($21,074,301) GF

Page 442, line 32, strike "$46,396,273" and insert "$33,396,273".
Page 442, line 32, strike "$46,814,394" and insert "$25,740,093".

Page 443, line 24, after "appropriation," strike "$21,074,301" and insert:


Page 443, line 24, after "first year" strike the remainder of the line.

Page 443, line 30, strike "and $1,087,635 the second year".

Page 443, line 34, strike "and $865,000 the second year".

Page 443, line 43, after "proposed use of the" insert "remaining".

Page 443, line 44, strike "appropriated in future fiscal years".


(This amendment removes $13.0 million the first year and $21.0 million the second year from the general fund proposed for COVID-19 related expenses at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. The $13.0 million in general funds removed the first year equates to the estimated set-aside of funds for the non-federal match for Hazard Mitigation Grants provided by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency, for which the Governor is authorized to provide a sum sufficient by Item 59 of House Bill 30 and other provisions of law.)