2022 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail Suitability Study (language only)

Item 375 #1c

Item 375 #1c

Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Conservation and Recreation


Page 408, after line 22, insert:

"L.  The Department of Conservation and Recreation, in consultation with the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail Association, shall review the properties of the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail, consisting of approximately 15.7 miles in King George County, Virginia, and make recommendations to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees by October 1, 2022, on the Trail's suitability as a recreational area for incorporation into Caledon State Park, to preserve the historical trail and enhance Caledon State Park facilities, the Trail, and recreational opportunities for the citizens of King George County and visitors to Caledon State Park. In its review, DCR shall consider (i) any one-time and/or ongoing expenses associated with the Trail's acquisition and incorporation into Caledon State Park; ii) management of the area or park by a combination of public and private entities; (iii) potential user activities at the area or park including but not limited to camping, hiking, bird watching, equestrian activities, and biking; and (iv) operation of the area or park with only those improvements minimally necessary for activities listed herein and consistent with the preservation and protection of the property's conservation values and natural resources."


(This amendment directs the Department of Conservation and Recreation to review the properties of the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail for suitability as a recreational area for incorporation in Caledon State Park.)