2022 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Environmental Education

Item 374 #2c

Item 374 #2c

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Conservation and Recreation FY2023 $350,000 FY2024 $350,000 GF
FY2023 2.00 FY2024 2.00 FTE

Page 402, line 47, strike "$464,854,272" and insert "$465,204,272".
Page 402, line 47, strike "$158,310,193" and insert "$158,660,193".

Page 406, line 9, strike "L." and insert "L.1."

Page 406, after line 13, insert:

"2. Out of the appropriation in this item, $350,000 the first year and $350,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to the Department to support two positions in the Office of Environmental Education to provide increased opportunities for education programs on environmental issues across the Commonwealth, pursuant to § 10.1-104, Code of Virginia. The Office of Environmental Education shall develop and implement environmental education programs and the Virginia Strategic Plan for environmental literacy in collaboration with the Department of Education, the Science Museum of Virginia STEM program, and other relevant stakeholders."


(This amendment provides $350,000 from the general fund each year to the Department of Conservation and Recreation to develop and implement a statewide environmental literacy plan, and to provide assistance to community organizations related to environmental literacy education.)