2022 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Add Funding for Medicaid Value Based Purchasing Program for Nursing Homes

Item 304 #24c

Item 304 #24c

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2023 $12,500,000 FY2024 $25,000,000 GF
FY2023 $12,622,500 FY2024 $25,658,561 NGF

Page 313, line 47, strike "$18,732,988,737" and insert "$18,758,111,237".
Page 313, line 47, strike "$19,820,607,534" and insert "$19,871,266,095".

Page 335, line 57 after “members.” strike the remainder of the line.

Page 335, strike line 58.

Page 335, line 59 strike “facility.” and insert:

“This funding shall be administered as a Medicaid rate add-on in the same manner as in paragraph 1. above.”


(This amendment adds $12.5 million the first year and $25.0 million the second year from the general fund and $12.6 million the first year and $25.7 million the second year from federal Medicaid matching funds for Medicaid's Value-based Purchasing (VBP) program for nursing homes. This amendment also adds language to specify that the non-metric portion of the VBP program funding be provided as a Medicaid payment add-on to the rate instead of a lump sum payment. Under the federally-required structure of a VBP program, paying the non-metric based portion under VBP would delay payment until December for the relevant non-metric based payments. This will create a significant cash flow issue for five months beginning July 1, 2022 when rates would fully revert to having no add-on despite significant ongoing expenses. By excluding the non-metric based amount from federal approval of the VBP program and instead paying that portion as a Medicaid payment add-on to the rate (like the current $15 per day), the delay would be avoided. In addition to the cash flow issue due to the timing of the lump-sum approach delaying the non-metric based portion until December is contrary to the purpose of the funding, which was intended to help facilities get ready to meet the metrics and improve.)