2022 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Funding

Item 93 #1s

Item 93 #1s

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Virginia Information Technologies Agency FY2023 $4,921,400 FY2024 $0 GF

Page 79, line 42, strike "$52,932,842" and insert "$57,854,242".

Page 81, after line 6, insert:

"F. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) shall take the necessary steps to obtain and use the cybersecurity grant funding that is available to Virginia under the State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act subtitle of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, P.L. 117-58.

   1. VITA shall establish and identify candidates for appointment by the Governor to a planning committee that includes members from: (i) state government; counties, cities, and towns; and institutions of public education and health within Virginia; and (ii) suburban, rural, and high-population jurisdictions. At least half, and as many as practicable, of planning committee members shall have substantial professional experience in cybersecurity or information technology. The Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth or the Chief Information Security Officer as designee, shall be the chair of the planning committee. The planning committee shall be supported by VITA as necessary and appropriate to carry out its responsibilities.

   2. In compliance with the federal requirements, VITA shall develop a cybersecurity plan, present such plan to the planning committee for approval, and submit such plan to the appropriate federal officials.

   3. VITA shall propose  priorities for grant funding for the planning committee's consideration and approval.

   4. VITA shall approve, manage, and allocate grant funding once received, ensuring that the grants are within the priorities approved by the planning committee, maximizing the benefit from the funding received, and working with the Department of the Treasury as appropriate. To the extent permitted, VITA may use a portion of the grant funding for direct support and administration expenses.

   5. VITA shall report on the grant funding as required and shall provide copies of such reports to the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.

G. Within the appropriation for this Item is $4,921,400 in the first year from the general fund, which shall serve as the state match for federal cybersecurity grant awards under State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act subtitle of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, P.L. 117-58. Any balances remaining from the appropriation identified in this paragraph shall not revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year, but shall be brought forward and made available to serve as state matching dollars pursuant to securing the federal grant awards."


(This amendment provides $4.9 million GF in the first year to serve as the estimated total cost of state matching funds related to federal cybersecurity grant funding available to Virginia under the State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act subtitle of the Infrastructure and Jobs Act of 2021, and mandatory carry-forward language. The amendment also adds language directing the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) to take the steps necessary to obtain federal cybersecurity grant funding, comply with federal guidelines, and develop a related planning committee. There is a companion amendment to SB 29 that adds the same language directing the agency to take steps to obtain the federal funds and establish the planning committee.)