2022 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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State Aid to Local Commissioners of the Revenue

Item 75 #1s

Item 75 #1s

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Compensation Board FY2023 $1,394,464 FY2024 $2,450,060 GF

Page 56, line 8, strike "$21,586,535" and insert "$22,980,999".
Page 56, line 8, strike "$21,663,428" and insert "$24,113,488".

Page 56, after line 49, insert:

“D. Included within this appropriation is $1,394,464 in the first year and $2,450,060 in the second year from the general fund to restore funding for 100 unfunded deputy commissioners of the revenue and support positions in the first year and an additional 54 unfunded deputy commissioners of the revenue and support positions in the second year.”


(This amendment provides $1.4 million GF the first year and $2.5 million GF the second year to restore state support for 154 Compensation Board allocated positions in the offices of Commissioners of the Revenue that were previously de-funded due to previous budget reductions, and that remain unrestored. This funding will support restoration of 65 percent of unfunded positions in the first year and 100 percent of unfunded positions in the second year.)