2021 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Plum
Develop Plan for DOE to Administer Certain CSA Funds (language only)

Item 138 #1h

Item 138 #1h

Department of Education, Central Office Operations


Page 141, after line 14, insert:

"I.  The Department of Education shall develop a detailed plan for how it would administer Children's Services Act pool funds to pay for services and supports for Virginia students with disabilities who are at-risk of, or are in, out-of-school placements, as determined by their Individualized Education Plan team, due to the disability's impact on their learning. The plan shall address how the funds will be used to pay for services and supports in public schools to (i) prevent out-of-school placements for students who would otherwise be at risk of such a placement and (ii) transition students who are in out-of-school placements back to their public school. The plan shall also address how the department will make these funds equally accessible to all divisions and how students will be determined eligible for these funds. The department shall submit its plan and recommendations to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations committees by November 1, 2021."


(This amendment requires the Department of Education to develop a plan for how it would administer Children's Services Act funds for students with disabilities, including use of these funds to provide services in public schools. This implements a recommendation from the JLARC report "Review of the Children's Services Act and Private Special Education Day School Costs".)