2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Impact of Salary Actions on VITA Overhead (language only)

Item 425 #1c

Item 425 #1c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 393, line 5, strike “$30,124,976” and insert “$30,458,972”.
Page 393, line 18, strike “$22,881,971” and insert “23,215,967”.
Page 393, line 20, strike “$22,881,971” and insert “23,215,967”.
Page 393, line 26, strike “7.81%” and insert “7.91%”.

(This amendment reflects estimated impacts of proposed salary and VRS rate actions, which would increase personnel costs by $333,996, of which $120,829 is attributable to general fund payments by customers. The VITA overhead surcharge would increase from 7.81% to 7.91%.)