2015 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Floor Approved)

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Restore Funding for CSA Data Analytics and Program Evaluation

Item 471.10 #10h

Item 471.10 #10h

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2015 $82,853 FY2016 $116,019 GF

Page 441, line 19, strike "($60,072,307)" and insert "($59,989,454)".
Page 441, line 19, strike "($90,459,489)" and insert "($90,343,470)".
Page 446, line 22, strike lines 49 through 54.

(This amendment restores funding to the Office of Comprehensive Services for data analytics and program evaluation of the Comprehensive Services Act that was reduced in the introduced budget. Data analytics are a critical component to in allowing the program to analyze client specific expenditure, demographic, and assessment data in order to capture differences in youth outcomes and payments by locality. This information allows the program to identify localities, which despite unusually high spending, do not produce positive outcomes for youth; those localities whose per child expenditures or per service expenditures exceed regional and/or state norms; and those localities with high utilization of “high risk” providers. This information assists the program in ensuring program dollars are spent in an effective and cost efficient manner.)