2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Carrico
VRSAF Interest Earnings for Office of EMS (language only)

Item 3-3.03 #2s

Item 3-3.03 #2s

General Fund Deposits
Interest Earnings

Page 51, strike "7,593,169" and insert "7,440,091".
Page 488, strike line 18.

(This amendment lowers the amount of interest retained by the general fund from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (VRSAF) in the Virginia Department of Health by $153,578 in fiscal year 2014 and eliminates language in Part 3 which retains the interest from the VRSAF. A separate amendment to Item 290 appropriates $110,000 for national background checks required of applicants for volunteer and career EMS agencies.)