2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Collection of Fines and Fees (language only)

Item 72 #2c

Item 72 #2c

Compensation Board

Page 54, strike lines 12 through 21.
Page 54, after line 51, insert:
"J. In accordance with the provisions of § 19.2-349, Code of Virginia, attorneys for the Commonwealth may, in addition to the options otherwise provided by law, contract with or employ individuals, or other state or local agencies, to assist in collection of outstanding fines, costs, forfeitures, penalties, and restitution.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amounts owed and collected shall be increased, up to a maximum of seventeen percent, to reflect the costs associated with employing or contracting with such agencies or individuals.  The attorneys for the Commonwealth are authorized to increase the amount up to twenty-five percent if the amount owed is more than 180 days delinquent.  These fees shall be paid on a contingency basis out of the proceeds of the amounts collected. The attorneys for the Commonwealth shall account for the amounts collected and apportion costs associated with the collections consistent with procedures issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts."

(This amendment provides that the fees of any private attorneys or collection agencies engaged by the Commonwealth's Attorneys to collect fines, costs, forfeitures, penalties, and restitution which are owed to the Commonwealth, shall be added to the amounts owed, rather than paid out of the proceeds of the amounts collected. The estimated revenue impact in Item 139 for the Literary Fund from this change is projected to be $6,130,267 in fiscal year 2014.)