2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Adjust Language Pursuant to WTA Retirement (language only)

Item 468 #7c

Item 468 #7c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 428, line 22, strike “.  Instead” and insert:"for employees who are involuntarily separated from employment with the Commonwealth if the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget certifies that such action results from 1. budget reductions enacted in the Appropriation Act, 2. budget reductions executed in response to the withholding of appropriations by the Governor pursuant to §4-1.02 of the Act, 3. reorganization or reform actions taken by state agencies to increase efficiency of operations or improve service delivery provided such actions have been previously approved by the Governor, or 4. downsizing actions taken by state agencies as the result of the loss of  federal or other grants, private donations, or other nongeneral fund revenue, and if the Director of the Department of Human Resource Management certifies that the action comports with personnel policy.  Under these conditions".

(This amendment adjusts language in the budget to require review of the Directors of the Department of Planning and Budget and the Department of Human Resource Management prior to authorizing the VRS to roll the cost of service credit received under the Workforce Transition Act into the contribution rates.)