2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Route 1 Transit Alternatives Analysis (language only)

Item 441 #2c

Item 441 #2c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 404, after line 42, insert:
"I. From such funds appropriated for public transportation purposes, there is hereby allocated $2,000,000 in the second year to conduct a transit study along the US Route 1 corridor in Fairfax County that (i) addresses current and projected future traffic deficiencies with a viable long-term transit solution for the corridor, (ii) transforms the area into transit-oriented and transit-supportive mixed use development near stations and stops, (iii) identifies a locally preferred alternative (LPA) that produces the greatest number of new  transit riders taking into account cost and impact, and (iv) supports the social and economic renewal of the corridor through public transportation investment, and develop recommendations for a financial plan to implement the LPA."

(This amendment dedicates $2.0 million from the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund to implement a Route 1 Transit Corridor Study and Alternatives Analysis.)