2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Broadband Assistance (language only)

Item 423 #4c

Item 423 #4c

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority

Page 364, line 40, after "F.", insert "1."
Page 364, after line 45, insert:
"2.  The Center for Innovative Technology shall provide technical assistance to localities where broadband services are not currently available, or where under-served communities have been identified, in order to assist those localities in determining the issues, business practices, and vendor requirements, including an assessment of the existing technologies, for the provision of broadband services to their citizens."

(This amendment requires the Center for Innovative Technology to provide technical assistance to localities in which broadband services are either not available or where portions of their locality is under-served in order to assist those localities in determining what issues, business practices, and vendor technologies would best provide broadband services to their citizens.)