2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

MEI Commission (language only)

Item 4-14.00 #3c

Item 4-14.00 #3c

Effective Date
Effective Date

Page 545, after line 41, insert:"4.  That § 30-310 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:§ 30-310. Review of incentive packages. A. 1.The Commission shall review individual incentive packages, including but not limited to packages offering tax incentives, for economic development projects (including but not limited to MEI projects) for which (i) one or more of the incentives in the incentive package is not authorized under current law or (ii) an amendment by the General Assembly is being sought to one or more currently existing incentives included as part of the incentive package. The Commission shall recommend approval or denial of such packages to the General Assembly. Factors that shall be considered by the Commission in its review shall include, but not be limited to (i) return on investment, (ii) the time frame for repayment of incentives to the Commonwealth, (iii) average wages of the jobs created by the prospective MEI project or other economic development project, (iv) the amount of capital investment that is required, and (v) the need for enhanced employment opportunities in the prospective location of the prospective MEI project or other economic development project. 2. a. Any time a proposed individual incentive package is to be considered by the Commission, materials outlining (i) the value of the proposed incentives, (ii) assumed return on investment, (iii) the time frame for repayment of incentives to the Commonwealth, (iv) average wages of the jobs created by the prospective MEI project or other economic development project, (v) the amount of capital investment that is required, and (vi) the need for enhanced employment opportunities in the prospective location of the prospective MEI project or other economic development project, shall be provided to the Commission members not less than forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled Commission meeting.b. The timing of any request for an endorsement of a proposed individual incentive package should be scheduled so that the MEI Commission could, at its discretion, have up to seven days subsequent to the presentation of the incentive package prior to endorsing or rejecting such proposal. B. An affirmative vote by three of the five members of the Commission from the House of Delegates and two of the three members of the Commission from the Senate shall be required to endorse any incentive package, including but not limited to packages offering tax incentives, for economic development projects (including but not limited to MEI projects) for which (i) one or more of the incentives in the incentive package is not authorized under current law or (ii) an amendment by the General Assembly is being sought to one or more currently existing incentives included as part of the incentive package."Page 545, line 42, strike "4." and insert "5."Page 545, line 43, strike "and" and insert ","Page 545, line 43, after "third" insert ", and fourth".

(This amendment amends the provisions of the Major Economic Investment Commission to require that any proposals submitted to the Commission be made at least 48 hours in advance of the Commission meeting to allow time for proper consideration of the members prior to endorsing or rejecting a proposed incentive package.)