2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Restoration of GF for School Resource Officers

Item 393 #2c

Item 393 #2c

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Public Safety
Criminal Justice Services, Department of FY2013 $0 FY2014 $1,291,153 GF

Page 345, line 14, strike "$76,506,602" and insert "$77,797,755".
Page 347, line 25, strike, the second "$408,847" and insert "$1,700,000".
Page 347, line 28, strike "9-171.1" and insert "9.1-110".
Page 347, line 28, after "Virginia." strike remainder of line.
Page 347, strike lines 29 and 30.
Page 347, after line 33, insert:  
"3.  Subject to the development of criteria for the distribution of grants from the fund, including procedures for the application process and the determination of the actual amount of any grant issued by the department, the department shall award grants to either local law-enforcement agencies, where such local law-enforcement agencies and local school boards have established a collaborative agreement for the employment of school resource officers, as such positions are defined in § 9.1-101, Code of Virginia, for the employment of school resource officers, or to local school divisions for the employment of school security officers, as such positions are defined in § 9.1-101, Code of Virginia, for the employment of school security officers in any public school.  The application process shall provide for the selection of either school resource officers, school security officers, or both by localities.  The department shall give priority to localities requesting school resource officers, school security officers, or both where no such personnel are currently in place.  Localities shall match these funds based on the composite index of local ability-to-pay."

(This amendment provides $1.3 million from the general fund the second year to fully restore general fund support for the school resource officer incentive grant program. The general fund amount is equal to the level of general support provided during fiscal year 2002, which represented the largest historical general fund support for the program. The amendment also states that the Department of Criminal Justice Services will prioritize the provision of grants to localities requesting school resource officers or school security officers in elementary, middle, and high schools where no such personnel are currently in place.)