2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Account for Use of Corrections Special Reserve Fund

Item 388 #5c

Item 388 #5c

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Public Safety
Corrections, Department of FY2013 $0 FY2014 ($1,536,766) GF

Page 339, line 5, strike "$845,169,967" and insert "$843,633,201".
Page 341, after line 15, insert:
"O.  The amounts paid into the Corrections Special Reserve Fund established in accordance with § 30-19.1:4, Code of Virginia, shall be used in the second year to offset a portion of the budgeted amounts for the early opening of the River North Correctional Center in October 2013."

(This amendment uses the deposits into the Corrections Special Reserve Fund associated with criminal sentencing legislation adopted by the 2013 General Assembly to defray a portion of the Department of Corrections' expenses for the early opening of the River North Correctional Center in Grayson County in October 2013. A companion amendment to Item 389 adjusts the deposit into the Corrections Special Reserve Fund.)