2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Clarify Intent of Proposed Medicaid Changes (language only)

Item 307 #16c

Item 307 #16c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 279, line 35, after "to" insert "provider".
Page 279, line 55, after "Medicaid" insert "Plan First".
Page 279, line 55, after "FAMIS" insert "Moms".

(This language amendment clarifies the intent of two proposals included in the introduced budget. The first proposal allows the Department of Medical Assistance Services to send electronic notices for program reimbursements or other items referred to in regulations. The amendment clarifies that the department has the authority to send electronic notices in the case of "provider" appeals only and not all appeals as suggested in the original proposal. The second proposal allows the department to eliminate Medicaid or FAMIS program offerings when subsidized coverage is available through a health benefit exchange in order to eliminate duplication of services. The amendment clarifies that the provision only applies to the Medicaid Plan First (i.e., pre-pregnancy family planning) and FAMIS Moms program.)