2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Line of Credit to Expand Vital Records through DMV (language only)

Item 301 #1c

Item 301 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of

Page 260, after line 38, insert:
"The State Comptroller is hereby authorized to provide a line of credit of up to $200,000 to the Department of Health to cover the actual costs of expanding the availability of vital records through the Department of Motor Vehicles, to be repaid from administrative processing fees provided under Code of Virginia, § 32.1-273 until such time as the line of credit is repaid."

(This amendment authorizes a line of credit up to $200,000 to the Department of Health to cover the cost of expanding access to vital records through the Department of Motor of Vehicles, pursuant to the provisions in Senate Bill 1039.)