2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Restore Funds for Poison Control Centers

Item 297 #3c

Item 297 #3c

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of FY2013 $0 FY2014 $1,000,000 GF

Page 256, line 42, strike "$12,497,162" and insert "$13,497,162".
Page 259, line 25, after "year" insert "and $1,000,000 the second year".
Page 259, line 26, strike "two" and insert "three".
Page 259, line 26, after "Centers.", insert:
"The appropriation of general fund amounts the second year shall be divided between the three poison control centers in proportion to the Virginia population served by the centers."
Page 259, after line 31, and insert:
"3.  The State Health Commissioner shall work with the poison control centers to ensure continued statewide coverage of poison control services through the existing centers."

(This amendment adds $1.0 million the second year from the general fund to restore funding to operate the current three poison control centers serving Virginia. Chapter 3, 2012, Special Session 1, Virginia Acts of Assembly provides $500,000 from the general fund in the first year only for the operation of two poison control centers instead of three. This additional funding will ensure continued support for statewide operation of poison control services for the Commonwealth. Language is added requiring the State Health Commissioner to ensure statewide coverage of poison control services through existing centers.)