2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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National Background Checks for EMS Applicants from VRSAF (language only)

Item 290 #2c

Item 290 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of

Page 251, after line 50, insert:"G.  Out of this appropriation, $90,000 the second year from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund shall be provided for national background checks on persons applying to serve as a licensed provider in a licensed emergency medical services agency.  The Office of Emergency Medical Services may transfer funding to the Office of State Police for national background checks as necessary."

(This amendment adds language to provide funding in the second year from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (VRSAF) to provide national background checks on persons applying for positions as a licensed provider in licensed emergency medical services agencies, contingent on the final passage of House Bill 1383/Senate Bill 1288. Language also allows the transfer of funding to the Office of State Police for background checks as necessary. Current law allows VRSAF revenue to pay for state-mandated background checks.)