2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

VCBA - Research HEETF (language only)

Item 254 #1c

Item 254 #1c

Education: Higher Education
Virginia College Building Authority

Page 213, line 27, strike "$145,000" and insert "$387,306".
Page 213, line 29, strike "$135,000" and insert "$268,659".
Page 213, line 31, strike "$1,970,000" and insert "$4,236,579".
Page 213, line 34, strike "1,190,000" and insert "$2,445,569".
Page 213, line 38, strike "$2,295,000" and insert "$4,278,311".
Page 213, line 40, strike "$250,000" and insert "$486,458".
Page 214, line 8, strike the second "$410,000" and insert "$291,880".
Page 214, line 8, strike the second "$25,000" and insert "$143,120"
Page 214, line 24, strike "$6,010,000" and insert "$12,246,000".
Page 214, line 25, strike "$52,090,273" and insert "$51,972,153".

(This amendment provides a $12.2 million total allocation for instructional and research equipment through the HEETF in fiscal year 2014, equal to the amount provided in fiscal year 2013. This amendment includes a technical correction to adjust funds at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science between the regular allocation and the research allocation. It is the intent of this amendment that embedded language under this item be updated during enrolling of the budget bill.)