2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

VCCS Cleanup Language (language only)

Item 212 #7c

Item 212 #7c

Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System

Page 188, line 38, strike "$110,097" and "$110,097" and insert:
"$82,000" and "$82,000".
Page 188, line 43, strike "$84,097" and insert "$65,999".
Page 188, line 44, strike "$84,097" and insert "$65,999".
Page 188, line 45, strike "$118,566" and "$118,566" and insert:
"$93,051" and "$93,051".
Page 188, line 47, strike "$102,051" and "$102,051" and insert:
"$80,090"insert "$80,090".
Page 188, line 49, strike "$90,788" and "$90,788" and insert:
"$71,250" and "$71,250".
Page 188, line 51, strike "$46,580" and "$46,580" and insert:
"$26,586" and "$26,586".
Page 188, line 53, strike "$50,814" and "$50,814" and insert:
"$39,879" and "$39,879".
Page 189, strike lines 1 through 7.
Page 189, line 8, strike "I" and insert "H".
Page 189, line 8, strike "$340,533" and "$340,533" and insert:
"$267,250" and "$267,250".
Page 189, line 12, strike "J" and insert "I".
Page 189, line 12, strike the first "$169,380" and insert "$132,929".
Page 189, strike lines 15 through 53.
Page 190, strike lines 1 through 16.
Page 190, line 17, strike "O" and insert "J".
Page 190, line 25, strike "P" and insert "K".
Page 190, strike lines 33 through 38.
Page 190, line 39, strike "S" and insert "L".
Page 190, line 47, strike "T" and insert "M".
Page 190, line 47, strike "$250,000" and "$250,000" and insert:
"$196,200" and "$196,200".
Page 190, line 51, strike "U" and insert "N".
Page 191, line 2, strike "V" and insert "O".
Page 191, line 21, strike "W" and insert "P".
Page 191, line 27, strike "X" and insert "Q".

(This amendment makes technical changes to language to reflect the transfer of funding from the educational and general program in Item 212 to workforce development programs in Item 215 within the Virginia Community College System budget. A companion amendment to Item 215 adds the appropriate revised language.)