2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Va Teaching Scholarship Loan Program - Top 10% Students to the Teaching Profession

Item 138 #2c

Item 138 #2c

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2013 $0 FY2014 $708,000 GF

Page 110, line 4, strike "$9,693,177" and insert "$10,401,177".
Page 110, line 41, after "G.1." insert "a.".
Page 111, after line 17, insert:
"b. This appropriation includes $708,000 the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program. These scholarships shall be for undergraduate students at or beyond the sophomore year in college with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7, who were in the top 10 percent of their high school class, who are nominated by their college and students at the graduate level, and who meet the criteria and qualifications, pursuant to § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia.  Awards shall be made to students who are enrolled full-time or part-time in approved undergraduate or graduate teacher education programs for (i) critical teacher shortage disciplines, such as special education, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, foreign languages, or technology education or (ii) as students meeting the qualifications in § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia, who have been identified by a local school board to teach in any discipline or at any grade level in which the school board has determined that a shortage of teachers exists; however, such persons shall meet the qualifications for awards granted pursuant to this item; or (iii) those students seeking degrees in Career and Technical education. Minority students may be enrolled in any content area for teacher preparation and male students may be enrolled in any approved elementary or middle school teacher preparation program; therefore, this provision shall satisfy the requirements for the Diversity in Teaching Initiative and Fund, pursuant to Chapters 570, 597, 623, 645, and 719 of the Acts of Assembly of 2000.  Scholarship recipients may fulfill the teaching obligation by accepting a teaching position (i) in one of the critical teacher shortage disciplines; or (ii) regardless of teaching discipline, in a school with a high concentration of students eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or (iii) in any discipline or at grade levels with a shortage of teachers; or (iv) in a rural or urban region of the state with a teacher shortage.  For the purposes of this item, "critical teacher shortage area and discipline" means subject areas and grade levels identified by the Board of Education in which the demand for classroom teachers exceeds the supply of teachers, as defined in the Board of Education's Regulations Governing the Determination of Critical Teacher Shortage Areas.  Scholarship amounts are based on $10,000 per year for full-time students, and shall be prorated for part-time students based on the number of credit hours.  The Board of Education is authorized to recover total funds awarded as scholarships or the appropriate proportion thereof in the event that scholarship recipients fail to honor the stipulated teaching obligation.  The Department of Education shall report annually on the critical shortage teaching areas in Virginia."

(This amendment restores funding in the second year to continue and better target the program in order to help attract top students into the teaching profession. In addition to the current requirements, beginning with the second year, eligible undergraduate students must have been in the top 10 percent of their high school class. The amount of the award is updated from $3,720 to $10,000.)