2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Local Fiscal Impact Analysis (language only)

Item 113 #1c

Item 113 #1c

Commerce And Trade
Housing and Community Development, Department of

Page 93, after line 39, insert:
"The Commission on Local Government shall convene a task force to determine a process for the preparation of fiscal estimates for bills and budget items anticipated to require a net additional expenditure, or a net reduction of revenue, by a county, city, or town as a result of implementation of such bill or budget item.  As part of this effort, the task force shall examine how bills and budget items will be identified and referred for analysis, and determine the feasibility of using outside consultant or policy analysis experts to prepare the fiscal impact estimates.  The task force shall include representatives from the Virginia Association of Counties, the Virginia Municipal League, the Virginia Association of School Business Officials, city managers and county administrators, local government and school finance directors, and local commissioners of revenue and treasurers.  The Commission shall provide a report on the task force's work to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2013."

(This amendment requires the Commission on Local Governments to assemble a task force to examine the process for analysis of local fiscal impact on bills and budget items.)