2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Project Planning

Item C-39.05 #1s

Item C-39.05 #1s

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2013 ($250,000) FY2014 $0 GF

Page 469, line 19, strike "$41,743,729" and insert "$41,493,729".
Page 469, strike line 35.
Page 470, strike line 37.
Page 470, line 38, strike "phase, the" and insert "H.1. The"
Page 471, after line 19, insert:
"2. The following projects are authorized to proceed to preplanning:
194  Department of General Services    Renovate Supreme Court Interior
194  Department of General Services    Capitol Complex Infrastructure and Security
207  University of Virginia    Renovate Gilmer Hall and Chemistry Building
214  Longwood University  Admissions Office
214  Longwood University  New Academic Building
216 James Madison University Renovate Madison Hall
229  Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station  Improve Kentland Facilities
242 Christopher Newport University Construct and Renovate Fine
Arts and Rehearsal Space
260  Virginia Community College System Renovate Godwin Building, Northern Virginia CC Annandale Campus
268  Virginia Institute of Marine Science  Construct Facilities Management Building.
3. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall provide $13,000,000 from the Central Capital Planning Fund established under § 2.2-1520 of the Code of Virginia and $16,000,000 from higher education nongeneral fund revenue sources for the projects contained in paragraphs H. 1. and H. 2.  Agencies and institutions of higher education may utilize additional nongeneral funds, for which they will be reimbursed upon approval of construction funding for their project, to advance these projects.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall appropriate additional nongeneral funds upon request from agencies and institutions."
Page 471, line 20, strike "2." and insert "4."

(This amendment provides for the movement of projects to planning phase.)