Language Page 440, after line 45, insert:Page 440, after line 45, insert:"There is hereby appropriated to the State Corporation Commission (Commission) an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 to pay for the implementation costs of the plan management functions authorized in Senate Bill 922, including an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 to pay for the ongoing annual costs to carry out such functions. The Commission shall reimburse the general fund for the plan management activities performed by the Commission as part of the Federal - State Health Benefit Exchange. The Commission shall reimburse the general fund only for those funds that have been reimbursed by the Federally Facilitated Exchange for carrying out the plan management activities as part of the Federal - State Health Benefit Exchange."
Explanation(This language sets out the funding mechanism for using general funds for start-up and ongoing costs to perform the plan management functions in a Federal - State Health Benefit Exchange within the Bureau of Insurance, as well as reimbursement requirements once the federal government has reimbursed the Commission. The Commission will be required to reimburse the general fund only the amounts expended for plan management activities that have been reimbursed by the federal government. This amendment is contingent upon final passage of SB 922.)