2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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HE - Institutional Performance Language (language only)

Item 4-9.02 #1s

Item 4-9.02 #1s

Higher Education Restructuring
Assessment of Institutional Performance

Page 538, line 35, strike "June 1 of each year" and insert "October 1 of each even-numbered year".
Page 538, line 37, strike "June 1 of each year" and insert "October 1 of each even-numbered year".
Page 538, strike lines 39 through 42 and insert:
In general, institutions are expected to achieve all performance measures in order to be certified by SCHEV, but it is understood that there can be circumstances beyond an institution’s control that may prevent achieving one or more performance measures.  The Council shall consider, in consultation with each institution, such factors in its review: (1) institutions meeting all performance measures will be certified by the Council and recommended to receive the financial benefits, (2) institutions that do not meet all performance measures will be evaluated by the Council and the Council may take one or more of the following actions: (a) request the institution provide a remediation plan and recommend that the Governor withhold release of financial benefits until Council review of the remediation plan or (b) recommend that the Governor withhold all or part of financial benefits."
Page 538, strike lines 49 and 50.
Page 539, strike lines 1 through 37.
Page 539, line 38, strike "b." and insert "a."
Page 539, strike lines 39 through 42 and insert:
"1. Institution meets at least 95 percent of its State Council-approved biennial projections for in-state undergraduate headcount enrollment.
2. Institution meets at least 95 percent of its State Council-approved biennial projections for the number of in-state associate and bachelor degree awards.
3. Institution meets at least 95 percent of its State Council-approved biennial projections for the number of in-state STEM-H (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health professions) associate and bachelor degree awards.
4. Institution meets at least 95 percent of its State Council-approved biennial projections for the number of in-state, upper level - sophomore level for two-year institutions and junior and senior level for four-year institutions - program-placed, full-time equivalent students.
5. Maintain or increase the number of in-state associate and bachelor degrees awarded to students from under-represented populations.
6. Maintain or increase the number of in-state two-year transfers to four-year institutions."
Page 540, strike lines 1 through 22.
Page 540, line 23, strike "6." and insert "b."
Page 540, strike lines 24 through 26.
Page 540, line 27, strike "b)" and insert "1."
Page 540, line 30, strike "c) 1." and insert "2. a)".
Page 540, line 36, strike "2." and insert "b)".
Page 540, line 40, strike "d)" and insert "3."
Page 540, strike lines 47 through 49.
Page 541, strike lines 1 and 2.
Page 541, strike lines 32 through 40 and insert:
"6. The institution will complete major information technology projects (with an individual cost of over $1,000,000) within the budgets and schedules originally approved by the institution’s governing board.  If the institution exceeds the budget and/or time schedule for any such project, the Secretary of Technology shall review the circumstances causing the cost overrun and/or delay and the manner in which the institution responded and determine whether the institution appropriately adhered to Project Management Institute’s best management practices and, therefore, shall be considered in compliance with the measure despite the cost overrun and/or delay."
Page 542, strike lines 38 through 46 and insert:
"a) The institution will complete major information technology projects (with an individual cost of over $1,000,000) on time and on budget against their managed project baseline.  If the institution exceeds the budget and/or time schedule for any such project, the Secretary of Technology shall review the circumstances causing the cost overrun and/or delay and the manner in which the institution responded and determine whether the institution appropriately adhered to Project Management Institute’s best management practices and, therefore, shall be considered in compliance with the measure despite the cost overrun and/or delay; and".
Page 543, line 8, strike "23-38.87:20 and 23-38.87:21".

(This amendment makes technical language changes to reflect recommendations by the Higher Education Advisory Committee and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia with regard to the process of assessing institutional performance under higher education restructuring and the Top Jobs legislation.)