2013 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Review of Dealer Discount (language only)

Item 3-5.08 #1s

Item 3-5.08 #1s

Adjustments and Modifications to Tax Collections
Discounts and Allowances

Page 491, line 18, insert:
"D. The Senate Finance Committee, the House Appropriations Committee, and the Department of Taxation, with participation from impacted businesses, shall examine the costs and administrative burdens on retailers, telecommunications providers, and other entities related to the collection of taxes on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Sales and Use Tax and other taxes.  The examination shall determine the benefits the Commonwealth obtains by having private entities collect taxes on its behalf.  The analysis should include the cost impact of the imposition of mandatory electronic filing and whether or not the full funding of the “dealer discount” provisions of Virginia Code should be restored.  Recommendations arising from this examination should be submitted to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Secretary of Finance by October 1, 2013."

(This amendment directs the Senate Finance Committee, the House Appropriations Committee, and the Department of Taxation to analyze the efficacy of the Dealer Discount and submit recommendations to the chairmen of each committee by October 1, 2013.)